Cooking with a baby? Here’s how!

As a new mother, you discover that everything that was easy before is now complicated. Taking a shower, curling your hair, cooking something for the family? All these need a lot of time, effort, patience and a great attitude.

If you need to cook and you don’t know how to do this and take care of your baby at the same time, these tips will be very useful to you!

Bring your baby to the kitchen!

For some mothers, bringing their baby to the kitchen, close to so many dangers is a real stress, but it will make your cooking experience more comfortable for both of you. You can’t really focus on anything If you keep running between the kitchen and the bedroom.

Make sure you put your baby away from the stove and away from anything that could break; if your baby is old enough to grab things, be sure that he will grab at least a few plates before you can react.

Invest in a learning tower

If your baby is old enough to stand, a learning tower is the perfect tool for both you and your baby. You can allow him to stand next to the table and play without being afraid that he will fall down. Even more, you don’t have to run around after him

Allow your baby to help you

Of course, this applies only if your baby is old enough to play with whatever you give him. He will not “actually” help you, but he will feel that he is doing something with you and the entire activity will be pleasant for him. Plus, it will be a great exercise for later; he will learn from a young age to do chores with you.

Give him some pots and plates to play (that can’t be broken)

For an unknown reason, most of the babies have a real pleasure in playing with pots, pans, spoons and so on. You will not take them in your designer diaper bag with you outside, but you can use them as toys when you are cooking and you want him to play nicely around you.

Use plastic ones that can’t be broken and get some ear plugs for the neighbors; there will be noise!

Let your baby watch you

If you are cleaning or arranging vegetables on the counter, put your baby next to you and turn everything into a game. Throw the tomatoes in the bowl while preparing the salad (ok, not too strong), play with the salad and so on. Your baby will laugh and you will finish the dinner in no time!

Secure the cabinets

You don’t want your baby to open all the doors and take out everything inside while you are chopping the onion, right? Before you start cooking “with” your baby, make sure everything is closed and he is unable to open the doors. In this way both of you will enjoy your time without any dangers.

It’s not impossible to do household chores while spending time with your baby, you just have to be creative! In the end, anything can be a game when both of you are in the mood to play!

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